- Fast arty montage of as series of shots of any number of sunny scenic Aotearoa/New Zealand locations using the tagline "We're killing our kids - here!" for a new twist on the swinelager campaign. Free postcards in bars and cafes as collateral.
- Similar series in more urban locations, low rent look, no sunshine shots, suggest state house area, running dogs, car bodies hip hop soundtrtack over same tagline "We're killing our kidz - here. Bit cliched but some may think it's edgy. Good opportunity to link in with CD collateral.
- Grittier urban realism film noir in Picasso black and bruises, tagline rendered by known graf artists such as these guys. Radically chic and arty, may appeal to bankers. Limited edition graf prints collateral.
- Contrast montage of high end suburbs with whiny but thoughful soundtrack and pix of those cute as kids with some evidential numbers overprinted. Get some figures from someone who cares. Excellent opportunity for ailing telcos to gain some community credibility.
- Something for the more sports oriented audience - Headline "Our All Blacks are great but we are only third in the OECD countries for child abuse! What do we need to do to come first?" Could make reasonable print column in the Sundays. Alternatively use headline "Jerry Collins didn't get the bash from his dad for pissing on the field" or "Headbutts make for dialogue - non!" to be code inclusive.
- This one has been done before for youth suicide but it is still a winner. Stage Fight for Life boxing event with celebrities bashing one another to draw attention to child abuse in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Potential for brain damage gives this one genuine long term clout.
If all this was far too serious then take a break and have another latte.