I am talking about asparagus and will get to the horses later.
If you are a snapper you snap off the ends and if you are a snipper you cut them where you think they stop being fibrous and where they start being succulent. I'm a snapper. How about you?
Here's a recipe which is more like a protocol than a recipe, I'll get back to the horses after that.
Bunch of asparagus
streaky bacon
evo (extra virgin you know the rest)
Snap asparagus until they are succulent
Wrap in streaky bacon
Drizzle over evo
How long? Not that long, just trust your nose, they will smell done and it isn't very long at all. Do not leave the kitchen to play guitar, write your blog or practise belly dancing or you will miss it.
The horses are from Helensville and are charming and were not at all involved in the Melbourne Cup. They look a bit fey but are just playing hard to get. When you do get them they have velvety noses and smell gorgeous.
Prize for name for the asparagus protocol.
Was trying to think of the word - I think it is arrogant.
You have to be a bit arrogant to believe you can decide where the woody bit of the asparagus ends and just cut.
The name for the recipe is sprigs in a blanket.
Sprigs in a blanket - perfect.
You win another round of babysitting. Congratulations.
Na I totally know my asparagus and where to cut it.
Last time someone (shall remain nameless) tried the "the asparagus knows you must trust it" crap near me, we ended up with heaps of wasted asparagus ends in the bin because the asparagus din't know shit.
Plus it's pretty fast slicing through the bunch all at once. Would you catch a prep chef (yknow like on reality TV!?) doing the individual snap trust the vegetable business? Doubt it.
Update: the annoying soaked in butter guy in the Listener did asparagus this week so I was curious to see what he said.
In one recipe he said "snap em at the point of bla bla something or other" and in another he said "trim the asparagus".
Sounds like cutters are totally appropriate.
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