Been hit by a few philosophical dislocations lately, the main one being the old cliche about 'valuing diversity'. This is heard a lot in educational circles and, surprise surprise, it isn't true.
Diversity may well be valued as a concept but in practice it seems that we like to be surrounded by those who are similar to ourselves and turn feral when someone different turns up. No longer the comfort of strangers but of the familiar. I think that this grouping together is a recessionary response similar to frontier wagon circling.
Was Da Vinci a team player?
Hope the ballet recital went well.....yes diversity ah yes and eduspeak ah indeed. The trouble perhaps is who is doing the defining....who defines diversity...and sadly I agree.....we want diversity on OUR terms not anyone else's.....and we want the diverse people to behave...well you know....the way we behave....
Yes but liking something isn't the same as valuing something. We can still value diversity even if it is hard for us, or if it isn't our favourite thing. We may still see the value in it....rather like doing exercise...
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